Pine River Township

Township Officials
Board of Trustees
Board of Review
Zoning Administrator
Planning Commission
Zoning Board of Appeals
Salary Compensation Commission

Planning Commission

The Pine River Township Planning Commission consists of five members who are appointed by the Township Supervisor with the approval of the Township Board of Trustees. The Planning Commission has several functions, which are established by state statute and the Township’s Zoning Ordinance. These activities include the preparation of the master plan and other planning studies, site plan approval, the review of zoning map amendments, and the review of all special land uses. A description of each of these activities is provided below.

Master Plan Preparation:

The Planning Commission’s principal responsibility is the preparation and adoption of the Township’s Master Plan. The Master Plan is a comprehensive document, long-range in its view that is intended to guide the development of the Township over a period ranging from 10 to 20 years. The plan establishes policies regarding new development and redevelopment. These policies are intended to guide private and public decisions regarding the public and private issues of land and the provision of public facilities.

Site Plan Approval:

The Planning Commission is responsible for the responsible for the review and approval of site plans for new office, retail, industrial and multiple family developments. Site plan review provides the Planning Commission with an opportunity to review the proposed use of a site in relation to all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and any other development standards. Site plans are required to show the location of any proposed structures, parking spaces, landscaping, lighting, building elevations and other proposed site improvements. During the site plan review process, the Planning Commission considers the relationship of the site to surrounding uses, accessibility, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, off-street parking, utilities, drainage, and landscaping.

Zoning Amendments:

The Planning Commission is responsible for providing recommendations to the Township Board of Trustees regarding amendments to the Township Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. The commission also conducts one public hearing as part of the amendment process.

Special Land Uses:

The Planning Commission offers recommendations to the Township Board for all special land uses. A special land use refers to an activity that may be appropriate at a particular location and zoning district after considering the proposed location and surrounding development patterns. The Commission holds a public hearing on all special land uses and reviews each plan to ensure their compatibility with adjacent properties and to minimize any potential negative impacts. The Commission also requires the submission of a site plan for all special land use applications.


The Planning Commission holds its regular meetings on the 2nd Wednesday in February, April, June, August, October, and December at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Hall.

Members of the Pine River Township Planning Commission Serve Three Year Terms


Dean O’Boyle
Dr. Brent Moeggenborg, DDS
Kerry Cena
David Best
Kevin Kolb

Term End Date
